How To Add Thumbnails To Video Files in Windows Explorer

Video file won't show the thumbnail? It happen to some of windows 7 user. Wish you had thumbnails to those video files in Windows Explorer? Media Preview can do the job for you.

Download Link - Media Preview

Now all of your video file will be a thumbnail. Enjoy! =D

+credit: Tekzilla

How To Hide Blog Posts From Blogger Home Page

Blog post is the main item sholud have in blogger main page. But if you have some idea to your blog theme and want to hide the blog post. This tutorial is just for you.

1. Go to Dashborad => Design => Edit HTML (Edit Template HTML)

2. Search this code (Ctrl + F), ]]></b:skin>. Paste the code below after ]]></b:skin>.

<b:if cond="data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl">
<style type="text/css">
.post, .sidebar, #blog-pager {display:none;}
<b:if cond="data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl">
<style type="text/css">
body#layout .sidebar {display:inline;margin-top:200px;}

With the code, you hide your blog post and sidebar. If you want to show your sidebar, just remove the .sidebar, code.

3. Save and finish. Refresh to see the result.

Like and share man! :)


How To Make One Page Landscape in Microsoft Word

I'm sure you guys also experienced this problem. When you want to make a single landscape page, all pages follow the same. Here is how to make only single page in landscape layout.

1. Go to the last page you want to keep vertical (Portrait) then select Page Layout » Breaks » Next Page

2. Now click anywhere in the page where you want to have the horizontal page (Landscape) and go to Page Layout » Orientation and select Landscape

3. Do the same steps for the following page, the one after the landscaped one, but this time choose Portrait. Only do this if you want to restore the Portrait orientation back to normal.

Now, you're know it. :)

How To Root HDC Galaxy S3 Pro

If you have a phone Samsung Galaxy S3 clone for the HDC Galaxy S3 Pro, you can refer to this video for doing root on your phone. It is very simple and easy. Check it out!

Easy right? If you live in Malaysia and would like to get this phone, purchase it here. Also Galaxy Note II, here.

Enjoy ~

MemInfo - Check RAM Usage Easily

Sure you can use the task manager only to check the RAM usage and also for many other functions. However, for those who want to monitor the amount of usage over time, and do not want to open a any prompt window, you can just use MemInfo.

MemInfo add a small icon on the Task Bar in Windows, and show RAM usage figures that are updated in real-time. Users can also click on it and look at the top ten applications that use high RAM at any time, and off it continues to pass through, thus emptying the use of your computer's RAM memory.

 For those of you who are interested can download MemInfo to your Windows computer, and began to monitor the use of RAM easily.