Of course we all know about Adf.ly and how it can make money for us by just shortening. It works well with me. Every end of the month, Adf.ly will credit my earning to my Paypal account. But, for who don't have idea what is Adf.ly is about, read my article in the previous post.
Adf.ly just added new tool to their users which called Domain. This tool will allow you use to use your own custom domain names or sub domains with Adf.ly service. There are many benefits for doing this:
• Website branding - if your blog is URL is http://www.wrestling.com, your adf.ly links could now look like http://go.wrestling.com/Ad3g
• Greater number of clicks - people are starting to associate an adf.ly link with advertising and may not click a link for this reason.
• Peace of mind - you own the domain and can download an Excel export of all of your URLs. If you were worried adf.ly may disappear one day (it won't!) then you are in full control.
• Low profile - in the past Twitter and other services have had problems with adf.ly links. If you use a custom domain, an automated scan will not detect adf.ly links on your account.
People will no more face problems with Facebook or Twitter or any other website Blocking Adf.ly. It adds more credibility to your shortened links so your visitors, when they see your domain name, will trust it and go for it .
1. First of all, you will need Adf.ly account. Register for free here.
2. Then go to the Cpanel of your website => DNS Zone Editor => Add a new CNAME RECORD
3. In the Name section, enter any subdomain you want but not an existing one. In the Value*, enter the following adress custom.adf.ly
4. Save the CNAME. Now, you're done with CNAME.
5. Return to your Adf.ly account. Go to Tools => Domains => Create / manage domains
6. Enter your sub-domain in the box and Add Custom Domain
7. Congratz! Now, you should see your sub domain listed in the domain section. You can start making money with your Adf.ly.
With this feature, Adf.ly links is look trusted and visitor has no worries to click it.
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